Monday, May 4, 2009

First Days Off

I had yesterday and today off.  Yesterday I walked to the bottom of the hill to encounter life outside the two blocks I have been staying on the past week.  There is a pharmacy, pizzeria, bar, bank, and card shop and a few other shops.  The walk down is incredibly steep.  I don't know how people do it with strollers.  When I got back up the hill I was winded.  I went back to my room and read some of The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon.  It is a terrific book.  Later  on I met Lisa and we went to dinner in the garden behind Le Grand Ecuyer.  We eat lunch and dinner there everyday.  It has a terrific view.  After dinner we went to the courtyard outside the pastry shop to go use the internet.  After that we got Magnum ice cream bars.  They are one of Lisa's favorites.  They are available in Australia.  They also have Coronettos here which are the ice cream cones featured in Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.  I haven't tried one yet.  But I am sure I will soon.  Today we went to Albi to get a sim card and go to a supermarket.  It is a fairly large town about 20 minutes to the southwest of here.  I am doing laundry now and who knows what I will do later. I am back to work tomorrow.  I am trying to plan trips to music festivals throughout Europe on the Sundays that I am off.  If anyone cares to join me let me know.


  1. You have to get some of that ice cream from shaun of the dead! I hope you are having an amazing time. Miss and love

  2. Hey Colleen...I'm just trying to see if my post is successful. I agree with Bridget- you need to try that ice cream!! Can't wait to hear more!!
